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Wedding Day Superstitions

Wedding Day Superstitions

Wedding Superstitions - Brian Gavin Diamonds Blog

Black cats, broken mirrors and walking under a ladder are common superstitions to avoid on Friday the 13th, but what if it's your wedding day? There are common myths that brides and grooms try to avoid to ensure a fairytale day. In honor of Friday, February the 13th, we've rounded up the most common wedding day superstitions and traditions and explore their unique history and discover their meanings.

  1. Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue"– This rhyme is one of the most common superstitions that almost every bride follows for her wedding day. The "old," "new," "borrowed" and "blue" items a bride carries on her walk down the aisle have strong symbolism and are said to be good luck . "Something old" represents the bride's past and "something new" represents the couple's future. The bride is supposed to "borrow" an item from someone who is happily married in hopes the person's good fortune rubs off on her marriage. Lastly, the color blue ("something blue") represents fidelity and love, two qualities every couple desires.
  2. Rain on Your Wedding Day – While some would think this is a bad sign, a downpour or a sprinkle on your wedding day is actually a good omen! The rain is said to cleanse, unify and boost fertility in a marriage.
  3. Seeing Each Other Before the Wedding – This superstition stems from the time of arranged marriages, where couples opted not to see each other before the ceremony because it would potentially cause them to change their minds about the wedding. Today, many couples are choosing to have an intimate moment before the ceremony to where their portraits are taken or to simply have a moment of peace with each other before the festivities begin.
  4. Dropping the Wedding Rings – Make sure your best man is on top of his game! Apparently, if the wedding bands are dropped, the person who dropped them will be the first of the wedding party to die. Obviously, this is an extremely bad omen and certainly not a thought anyone wants to have during a wedding!
  5. The Bouquet Toss – During medieval times, it was considered lucky to receive fragments of the bride's clothing. Often times, dresses were torn apart, so as an alternative, bouquets were thrown. Many people still follow this practice at their wedding receptions with the idea that whomever catches the bride's bouquet will be the next to marry!

As with any superstition, it's important to not take the myth too literally and instead, focus on enjoying yourself, especially on a special celebration like a wedding! If you are feeling any bad juju surrounding your wedding, Brian Gavin Diamonds will be here to provide you something new and blue for your wedding day!

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