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WEEK 3 - 2 Groups Left - 9% OFF - Who Will Win?
WEEK 3 - 2 Groups Left - 9% OFF - Who Will Win?
The Newly Engaged Couple

The “Sabrina” Shared Prong Diamond Engagement Ring with the Truth Head…

About 2 months ago we received an e-mail from Steve that started like this:

I'm interested in building an engagement ring and would like to ask a few questions to see if my idea is feasible and if it is a project that you would be willing to take on. I've seen your work on Pricescope and I'm always blown away by the performance of the diamonds and the detail of the settings!

Of course we were happy to work with him to create the setting. With active input from Steve, we used the "Dream" shared prong band design for the shank and set his new 1.10 Brian Gavin Signature hearts and arrows diamond in the Truth head. Steve asked us to wait until he had proposed in May to name the setting after his future wife, Sabrina.

About a week ago we received an update from him:.

Hey Jamie! I wanted to write and thank you again for your help with the ring. I proposed at the peak of El Yunque in Puerto Rico and she said yes! She was completely blown away by the ring and she has gotten a ton of compliments on it! If you all are still interested in naming the style after her on the website, feel free to do so. Also, if you'd like some pictures from the engagement I can try to send some.

We are delighted to share the pictures here along with the beautiful new "Sabrina" shared prong engagement ring setting…

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