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More Fabulous Diamond and Jewelry Projects from Brian Gavin...

More Fabulous Diamond and Jewelry Projects from Brian Gavin...

We continue to enjoy working with our customers on all sorts of diamond and jewelry projects – earrings, pendants and solitaires are featured in this post:

  • Hi Lesley, I'm having a rather frantic day but just wanted to drop you a quick note to say WOW!!!!!!!! The packages arrived this morning but I've only just now managed to sneak away and open them in my car. They are absolutely perfect, I couldn't have asked for more, they make a gorgeous set and I honestly can't spot any colour difference between the 'E' of my pendant and the 'I' of the earrings almost makes me wish I'd gone for the 'J's after all (don't worry, I love the 'I's, they aren't going anywhere)! The size is perfect, the workmanship is exquisite and the jump ring on the pendant chain was a great idea as I'm loving both the 15" and 16" length. I'm so pleased that my original e-ring stone has a worthy home and won't need to sit in my sock drawer any longer (well, it will for a little while as I've promised to keep this set until the wedding – nooooo idea how I'm going to manage that but I'm determined to try). I promise to get you some neck / ear shots when I get a chance and some decent light. Please pass my thanks and appreciation on to Brian, the man is a genius – how he came up with the pendant design I have no idea. Thank you again for all your help with quotes, shipping, images and general support, I'll be back in touch when I'm ready to order my wedding band (or earring drops, which ever I settle on, unless I can talk Dave into both!). All the very best, Jen (U.K)
  • Lesley, I have received the ring this morning. It is absolutely beautiful diamond and I love it. I'm sure Katie will love it too. Also, I had my little fun time playing with the scope and gloves you sent with the ring 🙂 Many thanks to You and Brian for time and efforts that you have spent/put on this. Thought diamond shopping would be a big headache for me, but you made it easy as 1-2-3. and I really appreciate it. And I can't wait to see the pictures you are sending me later. Again, Thank you and Brian. and best wishes to both of you. Sincerely, Lee
  • Hello Lesley, Apologies for not writing sooner, but it's been a very busy day. I received the ring today – it's truly amazing. I can't believe how sparkly and clear the diamond is. I've shown it to a couple of friends and they are very very impressed. Obviously, as much as I like it, I'll let Karina make the final call on it, but I'm sure she'll be stunned by it. Oh, the H&A viewer is amazing – it shows off the arrows so nicely. Better still, once I knew what to look for (after looking through the H&A viewer), I could see the arrows with the naked eye – which is brilliant. I'll be giving Karina the ring over the weekend, so I'll be in touch later next week and let you know how it goes. Just wanted to let you know that I got it safely. Thanks again for your help with this. Best regards, Mahin (U.K) PS: The engraving is perfect, I love the lower case cursive text.
  • Dear Lesley and Brian, We are extremely happy with the ring — I absolutely love it! — and it is, indeed, every bit as beautiful as you said it would be. Thank you very much again for being so patient with me, answering all of my questions, providing excellent advice, and helping me to choose. I'm very impressed with the high quality of service that you provide and am grateful to have had such good fortune in finding you. All the best, Linda.
  • Lesley, I just wanted to let you know that the package made it here safely and the pendant looks marvelous! After we give it to my mom, I'll let you know her reaction and will hopefully have some photos to send along. Thanks again for a job very, very well done! Heather
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