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Round Blue Sapphire Necklace

September’s Birthstone: Sapphire

September – a time for football, changing leaves, and all things pumpkin spice. September is also the month of the beautiful sapphire gem. This deep blue stone is known for being the birthstone for September babies everywhere and is one of the most popular gemstones of all time.

The History and Symbolism

The sapphire has always been a popular stone with its popularity dating back to the Middle Ages. Sapphire's blue hue is said to symbolize heaven and attracts divine favor and wise judgment. Greeks, Buddhists, Hindus, and early Christian Kings cherished sapphire's powers and used it for enlightenment and protection. Legend has it that the Ten Commandments were engraved on tablets of sapphire.

Classical blue sapphires customarily came from a region of India, but now Madagascar holds the title when the main source of sapphire deposits was discovered there in the 1990's. In the early 1900's, a French chemist was able to create a synthetic sapphire. This new development revealed its industrial capabilities as a source for integrating circuits, satellite communication systems, high durability windows, and other scientific tools. Fun fact: for fans of the British royal family, many might remember Prince Charles giving Princess Diana a 12-carat blue sapphire engagement ring that Prince William has bestowed on Kate Middleton when he popped the question.

About the Stone

When referencing sapphire, a rich blue gemstone comes to mind, but this exquisite gem actually occurs in an assortment of hues. Sapphires come in almost every color, but a sapphire is never a red that classifies as a ruby. Its natural elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, copper, and magnesium are what gives the stones their precious hue. Sapphires can be found all over the world, but their origin along with the 4 C's determines its value. The solidity sapphire is second only to a diamond on the Mohs scale and makes it a candidate for more than just a jewelry piece but also for industrial applications.

What to Know When Buying

Sapphires make a wonderful gift for September birthdays and are assessed by the 4 C's. This precious stone is a classic beauty that has won over our hearts and our jewelry collection for its beautiful shade and how well it complements both cool and warm colors. Here are a few of our sapphire pieces that can be purchased on Brian Gavin Diamonds or in-person.

Round Blue Sapphire Ring

Round Blue Sapphire Ring

Round Blue Sapphire Necklace

Round Blue Sapphire Necklace

Round Blue Sapphire Earrings

Round Blue Sapphire Earrings

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