Will an SI2 - I1 clarity diamond still sparkle?
“I’m shopping for a diamond engagement ring. My girlfriend and I have discussed rings in great detail, her preference is size over quality. She says that nobody is going to be able to tell the clarity or color of the diamond from across the dinner table, but they will be able to see the size. She really has her heart set on a 1.50 carat diamond, but I’ve only got about $8K to spend on the entire ring. I’m not really sure where to draw the line in terms of clarity or color, but from everything I’ve read about diamonds online, I definitely don’t want to sacrifice on diamond cut quality. Sparkle factor is extremely important to me. So I’m looking at this 1.704 carat, P-color, SI-2 clarity, Brian Gavin Cape series diamond. I’m concerned about the effect of the inclusions upon the sparkle. Will an SI-2 / I-1 clarity diamond still sparkle?”
Cut quality dictates sparkle, not clarity:
Many people are concerned that the inclusions within an SI-2 or I-1 clarity diamond will affect the sparkle factor. This is an unnecessary concern, because the inclusions of a diamond to not effect sparkle. It is the cut quality of a diamond that determines the volume of light return and dictates the balance of brilliance (white sparkle) and dispersion (colored sparkle).
Take a look at the high resolution video of the 1.704 carat, P-color, SI-2 clarity, Brian Gavin Cape series diamond provided on the diamond details page. You will notice that the diamond exhibits a high volume of light return, and a virtual balance of brilliance and dispersion. This is because all Brian Gavin Signature diamonds are cut to the highest standards. This photograph of the diamond as seen through an ASET Scope, proves that it has been cut to exhibit exceptional light performance. Notice all of the red color, that means that the diamond is going to be extremely bright and lively!
The color red represents reflections of the brightest light being gathered from within the room. The color green represents the second brightest light source, and blue is an indication of contrast. The center portion of the diamond which is colored green in this example, may be red or green, because the colors green and red intersect on the ASET Scope at forty-five degrees.
The most important factor to be aware of, is how evenly light is reflecting throughout the diamond. Notice how even the light is reflecting throughout this diamond. Not only is it going to be incredibly bright and sparkly, but the light is evenly distributed across the entire surface of the diamond, all the way out to the edges… thus creating what we like to refer to as edge-to-edge brilliance. This effect also serves to make Brian Gavin Signature diamonds appear to be larger than many standard ideal cut diamonds which have been cut to a lesser degree of perfection.
Effect of Strong Blue Fluorescence P-color diamonds:
Although you didn’t raise the question, I want to take a moment to talk about the benefit of this P-color diamond exhibiting strong blue fluorescence when exposed to black light. Blue fluorescence is considered by many people in the gemological field to be similar to white wash for diamonds. It has the tendency to make diamonds appear even whiter and brighter than they would without fluorescence. Thus P-color diamonds with strong blue fluorescence are likely to face-up a hint whiter and brighter when the diamond is exposed to light sources that contain a high volume of ultra-violet light.