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What is the size of half carat diamond stud earrings?

What is the size of half carat diamond stud earrings?

“Can you tell me what is the size of half carat diamond stud earrings? Our 10-year anniversary is this June. My wife mentioned awhile back that she wanted half carat diamond studs, but also that she wasn’t sure whether that size would look too large. I would also like to know the best way to select half carat diamond stud earrings. The diamond that Lesley helped us pick out for the engagement ring is I-color, and SI-1 clarity. Is that a good grade for diamond stud earrings? And finally, do you have any recommendations for setting style? I don’t want to ask my wife, since I would like this to be a surprise. All I can tell you is that her wedding set is white gold.”

Average diameter of half carat diamond:

When discussing the carat weight of diamond stud earrings, we go by the combined carat weight of the two diamonds. Based upon your description, I get the feeling that your wife wants diamond earrings comprised of two diamonds which weigh a half carat each. This would be described as diamond studs or diamond earrings weighing 1.00 carats total weight. Which would be abbreviated as 1.00 cts. t.w., and consist of two diamonds weighing a half carat each. The average outside diameter of a half carat diamond is going to be right around 5.0 millimeters. There will be some variance depending upon the exact proportions of each diamond.

But if you figure five millimeters, it will provide you with a good average, and you’ll have a fair idea of the size of a half carat diamond stud earring. My favorite settings by the way, are the handmade three prong martini settings pictured above in 18k white gold. They provide a low profile that fits snugly in the ear lobe, and I like the security and peace of mind provided by the la Pousette earring backs.

Best way to pick diamonds for stud earrings:

By far, the best way to pick diamonds for stud earrings, is to search Brian’s matched pairs of diamonds. While you certainly could search our inventory of individual diamonds, it is far too time consuming a process to match up diamonds for stud earrings that way. Especially when we’ve already done the work for you, by matching up diamonds from within our inventory which we feel are matched well for diamond earrings, or side stones for three stone rings.

brian-gavin-trellis-3-stone-ringSearching Brian Gavin for matched pairs of diamonds for stud earrings is as simple as adjusting the sliders for carat weight, remember that you’re going to want to set this for 1.00 carats as a minimum, because diamond earrings are sold by combined carat weight, not the weight of each individual diamond. Then simply set the sliders for clarity, color, and desired price range.

In this case, you’re going to want to set the sliders for a combined carat weight of say, 1.00 – 1.20 carats, I-color, SI-1 clarity, which is a great quality for diamond earrings by the way! And since the diamond earring quality will match the quality of the center stone in your wife’s engagement ring, she’ll be able to make a three stone ring out of them if she ever desires to. I only mention this because I’ve seen it a couple hundred times… The most entertaining of which, was the time I was sitting with a couple here in the office, and the woman suddenly pulled her diamond studs out of her ears, holds them next to her solitaire, and exclaims:

“Oh Look Honey, wouldn’t these look great, here?”

The funny thing was that the guy looks at the earrings beside the ring, and then looks straight at me with that look of “What just happened? Save me!” as if somehow I’m going to be able to do that. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say. I sat there looking just as stunned and surprised as he was. Maybe it’s a guy thing. But one thing is for certain, women love diamond earrings, and women love three stone rings, you can’t go wrong buying diamond earrings for an anniversary, and it’s always a good idea to match the quality up with the center stone.

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