Are tension set engagement rings truly safe?
“I’m looking for a ± 1.50 carat round diamond, tension set engagement ring in the range of $15k and I want the diamond to face-up bright and white, with no visible inclusions, so I’m thinking that the best range of quality is VS-1 or VS-2 with F-G color, and can’t seem to find anything in that price range in your inventory of Brian Gavin Signature round diamonds. Can you make some recommendations for me? Lastly, my girlfriend really likes the look of a tension set engagement ring, but I’m concerned about whether tension set engagement rings are truly safe, because it seems like I’m taking a big risk setting a diamond this expensive between two sides of a ring that are held together by nothing but a bit of tension. What are your thoughts on tension settings? Thank you.”
Get the look of a tension set ring, without the worry:
I can appreciate the concern that you expressed about whether tension set engagement rings are truly safe; there are some potential hazards that result from the basic structure of a tension setting. The biggest risk involves the ring being polished by somebody who lacks the experience of working with tension settings, and overheating the ring, which might affect the temper of the metal and cause the diamond to fall out of the setting. This Spiral of Love engagement ring by Brian Gavin incorporates the look and feel of a tension set ring, without the worry.
From a top down perspective, it looks like the diamond is suspended in mid-air between two arches of white gold, or platinum if you prefer… however if you were to look at the ring from a side profile, you would see that there is a small rim of metal that supports the pavilion (bottom half) of the diamond, and connects the two sides of the ring to provide a strong foundation of support.
Thus you can give your fiancé a ring that appeals to her personal sense of style, while maintaining the peace of mind of knowing that the investment you make in the diamond is securely set in place.
1.50 carat round diamond e-ring for $15k:
The reason why you can’t find a 1.50 carat, F-G color, VS-2 or VS-1 clarity, Brian Gavin Signature round diamond in our inventory for $15K (including the price of the ring I assume) is because the cost of that diamond significantly exceeds your desired price range. For instance, this 1.517 carat, G-color, VS-2 clarity, Brian Gavin Signature round diamond is currently listed for a bit more than $19K.
However if you’re not working with an actual tension setting, which does tend to require a higher clarity diamond due to the immense amount of pressure that is placed upon the girdle edge of the diamond during the setting process; then I do have a suitable alternative to offer you, which will provide you with the overall look that you want!
This 1.507 carat, G-color, SI-2 clarity, Brian Gavin Signature round diamond is only $13,365.00 and it will provide you with the bright, white, eye clean diamond that you are looking for… plus you can afford to buy the Spiral of Love engagement ring by Brian Gavin and be right on target in terms of your budget! And check out the beautiful pattern of hearts and arrows that this diamond exhibits as a result of the exceptionally high degree of optical precision that it has been hand crafted to, isn’t it stunning? Your girlfriend is going to love it, especially if give each heart a special meaning!