Stylish tips for mixing diamond colors
Fancy colored diamonds are very popular right now, and it's no wonder why. These vibrant gems can liven up any wardrobe, all while showcasing a high-quality look. If you want a little extra color in your jewelry but aren't sure how to pull it off, never fear! Here's a little insight into how to wear your fancy colored diamonds:
Mix and match
Your diamond ring doesn't need to be monochromatic. Having multiple stones in different hues can show just how fashion-forward you are. You can use one color as the center stone and surround it with diamonds of another color.
Another way to diversify your jewelry collection is to have different colors on different pieces. Pair a blue diamond pendant with green stud earrings. Get creative with your use of fancy colored diamonds.
Color matching
Not sure how to do that? Consider two things: outfit and color theory.
Outfit: When you put on your clothes for the day - or night - chose garments that mix colors. A floral print blouse with pink and green will give you a baseline from which to plan your jewelry. What colors and garments do you wear often? These are the pieces from which you should draw inspiration when designing custom jewelry that features colored diamonds. That blouse, for example, can inspire your earrings and necklace choice. Work with the Brian Gavin team to design a custom necklace that features floral metal work. Stud the necklace with pink and green fancy colored diamonds. Your earrings can be a cluster of tiny diamonds in these colors. When the designs are done, you'll have a unique jewelry set that goes great with your wardrobe.
Theory: The color wheel is a tool that shows how colors interact. Depending on where colors sit in the wheel, they play off of each other in different ways. For example, colors directly across the wheel are called complementary. When paired, they enhance each other, making both look bright. Blue and orange, purple and yellow, and green and red are all complementary. You can also pair colors that are side-by-side. Seasonal colors do this well. When you think autumn, most colors are warm. These include red, orange, yellow and brown. They sit next to one another on the wheel and work well together as a unit. If you're designing a winter bracelet that features multiple fancy colored diamonds, choose different hues of blue.