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Should I want a handcrafted engagement ring?

Should I want a handcrafted engagement ring?

“I am looking for an engagement ring. Many of the designs that my fiancé seems to appreciate, have been handcrafted engagement rings. I note that Brian Gavin diamonds offers custom designed jewelry and engagement rings. Does this mean that you offer handcrafted engagement rings? And if so, how do I go about finding the handcrafted engagement rings section on your website? Both of us really like the look of the round square halo setting by Brian Gavin. Would it be possible to order that ring and have it handmade? It just seems like there is something romantic, more traditional, about a handcrafted engagement ring. Thank you for your time.”

Handcrafted engagement rings by Brian Gavin:

Brian Gavin diamonds offers a wide variety of handcrafted engagement rings. In fact, practically every engagement ring design featured in our online catalog of Brian Gavin Signature settings has been handcrafted. The round square halo setting by Brian Gavin is one of our handcrafted designs.

By industry standards, handcrafted engagement rings are rings which have been finished out by hand, as opposed to being stamped out by machine. The intricate details incorporated in the majority of Brian Gavin signature engagement rings, turnout best when finished by hand.

Naturally, it costs more to handcraft an engagement ring. However, we feel that the extra time spent is well worth the higher quality exhibited by the rings that we create. Visible difference between a handcrafted engagement ring, and one that has been stamped out by machine, is absolutely incredible. No doubt that you and your soon-to-be fiancé are able to see and appreciate the differences.

Designing a handcrafted engagement ring:

In this particular instance, it seems to me, that there is no need to custom-designed handcrafted engagement ring, since you have already found an engagement ring in our online catalog that you both like. However, in the event that we didn't already have a ring that you both like, we would be happy to custom design and engagement ring on your behalf.

All of our custom-designed engagement rings are handcrafted. The custom designed engagement ring process begins with an expression of your ideas. This might come in the form of a formal sketch, or something as informal as geometric designs sketched out on a napkin.

Brian Gavin and our team of skilled jewelry designers, have the experience necessary to turn your dreams into reality. We will take the compilation of your ideas, and design a ring using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) which is also known as Computer Aided Design.

Benefits of Computer Aided Design:

The benefit of using computer-aided design or drafting to design your custom engagement ring, is that we are able to provide you with a computer-generated model and renderings of what your handcrafted engagement ring will look like when finished. The CAD program makes it possible for us to examine the design of the ring as a three-dimensional object.

Another benefit of using CAD to design your handcrafted engagement ring, is that it enables us to create a ring design that is truly symmetrical and balanced. Whereas carving a wax by hand, seldom results in true symmetry. Upon completion of the ring design, we produce the wax that the ring will be cast from using state-of-the-art milling and growing technology.

Once again, this gives us the opportunity to effectively create and render the foundation that your handcrafted engagement ring will be built upon. Our master craftsman carefully examine the wax model created of your ring to ensure that the design elements are exactly as intended. Then we cast the ring and begin the hand-fabrication process.

Depending on the intricacy of the engagement ring design, it might take hours or days to handcraft the engagement ring. We consider each of the handcrafted engagement rings designed by Brian Gavin to be literal works of art, which reflect Brian's passion for creating jewelry of exceptional quality, and his detailed personality.

We look forward to creating a handcrafted engagement ring, custom-built to accommodate the specific Brian Gavin Signature diamond selected for your fiancé.

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