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How to get used to wearing a wedding ring

How to get used to wearing a wedding ring

“I purchased an engagement ring from Brian Gavin Diamonds about a year ago, and the big day is just a few short months away, so it’s time to start looking at wedding bands. But I’ve never worn any kind of jewelry, and the thought of something wrapped around my finger seems unnatural to me. I’m not sure how I’m going to get used to wearing a wedding band, and am wondering if you have any suggestions on how to get used to wearing a wedding ring. Understand that it’s not the concept of being married that I’m having difficulty with, I can’t wait to marry my beloved bride and am very happy about the prospect of doing so, it’s just that I tried on a wedding band the other day and it felt so strange between my fingers…”

Most men get used to wearing a wedding ring in a few days:

Do you remember the first time you put on a tie? It probably felt strange and awkward, and perhaps even a bit restrictive, wearing a wedding band can feel a lot like that for the first few days, but eventually it will begin to feel second nature, and you’ll actually feel strange if you have to take it off for some reason.

how-to-get-used-to-wearing-a-wedding-ring-comfort-fit-band-brian-gavinObviously the design and width of the wedding band will affect how it feels on your hand, and thus you should try on a variety of wedding rings to determine which width and style feel most comfortable to you. Some people prefer a comfort fit wedding band, like the one pictured to the left, which features a beveled edge on the inside of the ring shank, intended to make the ring slip on to the finger more easily, and be more comfortable. The ring shank is thus rounded on both sides…

However some people find the extra thickness of this ring style to feel too thick between their fingers, and thus you might prefer a more traditional half round style wedding band, which is rounded slightly on the outside of the ring, but features an inside edge that is more flat. Some of those designs can be rather boring, e.g. “Dad’s classic wedding band” and all that, but you can spice things up a bit by selecting something like the Finn wedding band by Sholdt (pictured above), which features a nice textured design.

You might also find that you prefer a wedding band that is designed with a square ring shank instead of the classic round ring shank, something like the Sawyer wedding band by Sholdt, or you might prefer a wedding ring that features an accent diamond or two, something to give it a bit of contrast on your finger, which is why we offer a wide variety of wedding bands to choose from at Brian Gavin Diamonds.

Remember that it might take a few days to get used to whichever wedding ring you choose, but rest assured that wearing a wedding band will seem second nature in practically no time!

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