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Eternity bands symbolize love that lasts forever

Eternity bands symbolize love that lasts forever

Shopping for a wedding band or custom engagement ring can get complicated. You need to learn about diamonds, pick out a style and generally teach yourself the language of fine jewelry. Don't try to learn everything at once or you'll become overwhelmed. Focus on a few things at a time to help you choose the perfect ring. For starters, you can get to know what an eternity band looks like.

What it looks like

Eternity bands are covered in diamonds. Traditional examples - such as the Domed Paved Band - have channel- or pave-set gems that surround the entirety of the ring. The idea is that there is no end in this ring of diamonds, just like there is no end to your love for your fiance. Half eternity bands have gems around most of the circumference of the ring, but the diamonds do stop at some point. Both half and full eternity rings create intense sparkle because no matter which direction she moves her hand, her ring will catch the light. Furthermore, when you put several small gems together, they appear larger than they actually are. This happens because of the way they bounce light off one another.

Sending a message

The beauty created by the light reflecting off an eternity band is something to marvel at. However, the stunning amount of diamonds that sit in these rings aren't the only reason they are popular. The idea is that the gems wrap around her finger ceaselessly. A ring has no end, and neither does your love as a couple. You can present her with an eternity engagement ring or choose one as a wedding band. Either way, the message of eternal love will come through.

Partial eternity bands

Partial eternity bands are another option. These rings feature diamonds around half or a majority of the band rather than the full circumference. Your ring will still have the benefit of multiple diamonds to create a magnificent sparkle, but at a lower price. Don't worry, the symbol of your love will be just as potent with a partial eternity band.

Diamond settings and shape

Pave and channel settings are typical for eternity rings. For example, The Jen Matching Band features channel-set princess cut diamonds. Small gems are laid side by side inside of a metal channel, thus giving the setting its name. Square diamond cut shapes work great for this because they lay flat against each other. The final result leaves the band looking like a continuous line of gems.

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