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Custom jewelry inspired by the Edwardian era

Custom jewelry inspired by the Edwardian era

Looking for a new trend in custom jewelry? Sometimes the best way to develop a unique style is to be retrospective. Take a look at fashion trends from the past and modernize them in a way no one has before. One era that has become wildly popular thanks to pop culture is the Edwardian period.

The period

The Edwardian period refers to the reign of King Edward in England, which lasted from 1901 through 1910. However, when talking about Edwardian fashion, the scope of the era reaches to include the years of the first World War. The financial benefits of the Industrial Revolution were beginning to pay off. England was at the height of its imperial power and America was enjoying a period of wealth. It was also a time of peace for England, who was out of the Boer Wars and hadn't yet entered WWI. This was the period of the Titanic, which accurately captures the sense of infallibility and opulence of the time.

The fashion

Clothing in this time period changed little for men, as the three piece suit - as we know it - had been established in the Victorian era. Woman's clothing was on the move. The dress reform movement, which had also began during the Victorian period, was calling for woman's equality through fashion. It was the efforts of members of this movement that brought about design changes in corsets and skirts. Originally, corsets could only be opened and closed in the back, ideally by a woman's husband. The dress reform movement added fasteners to the front of the garment so women could release themselves. In the Edwardian era, the corset pushed the chest forward to relieve pressure on the abdomen. Eventually, it was eradicated altogether.

Skirts used to get their volume from layers of heavy fabric. One garment could weigh as much as 40 lbs. With the advent of the industrial revolution and the dress reform, metal hoops were worn under a skirt. This dramatically decreased the amount of weight pressing on a woman's body.

The jewelry

Technological advances entered the world of jewelry during this era. Platinum became a popular metal as crafters developed new techniques. Diamonds were sought after as cutters began to better understand how light moved within a gem. The era is characterized by diamond, opal, moonstone, alexandrite and pearl. A style called "garland" in which the wealthy draped themselves in floral pieces tied with ribbons and bows, was also popular. The Metropolitan Museum of Art owns a piece by Louis Comfort classic made around 1904. The necklace features opals, gold and enamel.

There is, of course, the famous "Heart of the Ocean" necklace made famous by the ill-fated Titanic. Though the piece from the film was fictionalized, there was a diamond and sapphire necklace aboard the ship. According to the Washington Post, it was worn by 20-year-old Kate Florence Phillips. The piece was a gift from her lover. An emerald cut sapphire acts as a center stone and is haloed by small diamonds. The necklace is a perfect example of popular jewelry of the Edwardian era.

The modern take

Transitioning jewelry from Edwardian opulence to modern taste takes a little thought. Your custom jewelry creations should include small, well-cut diamonds, larger gemstones and platinum. Floral designs can also make their way into your designs. If you would like the look of moonstones and alexandrite but prefer the strength and beauty of diamonds, include fancy colored gemstones in your custom jewelry piece. You can choose from the Brian Gavin team's inventory of diamonds and select based on color, cut, clarity and weight.

When presenting the team with a custom creation, be sure to have sketched out your idea. Have pictures of Edwardian jewelry that inspired you. For an earring design idea, take a look at Floral Drops. These pieces have the natural touch characteristic of the Edwardian period and feature expertly cut diamonds.

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