Brian Gavin Diamonds First Diamantaire to Advertise On Vine
Today, Brian Gavin Diamonds fires off fireworks on Vine. Working with Parabox Creative, a Softway Solutions company, Brian Gavin Diamonds created a Vine to showcase the luxury and sparkle of their diamonds.
Vine, a social media platform for creating 6-second videos, is a platform where brands can tell their story in a fun and engaging way.
“We want to show the luxury and hand-crafted sophistication of Brian Gavin Diamonds in a playful way. I’m excited to see what the response will be. — We used real diamonds for the Vine!” Brian Gavin said.
By adding social media, like Vine, to our marketing mix, Brian Gavin Diamonds hopes to reach a new generation of customers in need of the perfect diamond, engagement ring or customized jewelry.